Scalar Website
This is the online exhibition on the conflicting loyalties behind the Beaver Meadows Visitor Center at Rocky Mountain National Park. It is in a book-style format with chapters and an interactive database. Please browse through and explore the different objects that represent the negotiations between NPS and Taliesin.

Poster Photos

Eastern Exterior of Beaver Meadows Visitor Center
Photo by David Benbennick, May 2005, courtesy of WikiMedia Commons under Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 3.0. Original photo: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Beaver_Meadows_Visitor_Center_2.jpg

2018 - Interior of Beaver Meadows Visitor Center
Parks as Portals to Learning Photography Team, 2018. Beaver Meadows Visitor Center Interior Reshoot. [Digital Photograph].(Public Lands History Center Repeat Photography Collection, Fort Collins, CO).

1967 - Interior of Beaver Meadows Visitor Center
Photo by David Benbennick, May 2005, courtesy of WikiMedia Commons under Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 3.0. Original photo: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Beaver_Meadows_Visitor_Center_2.jpg

Kreuger Stackable Foldable Metal Chair from Beaver Meadows Visitor Center
Photo by Dustin Clark and Natalie Walker, 2017. Kreuger Stackable Foldable Metal Chair. [Digital Photograph].(Rocky Mountain National Park Archives, ROMO #21574).

Trash Can from Beaver Meadows Visitor Center
Photo by Dustin Clark and Natalie Walker, 2017. Trash Can. [Digital Photograph].(Rocky Mountain National Park Archives, ROMO #21447).

1967 - Southern Exterior of Beaver Meadows
National Park Service, Dedication Ceremony, June 24 1967, [Scanned Photograph], (Collection 1192, Rocky Mountain National Park Archives, Larimer County Colorado), Accessed on August 7, 2018.

2018 - Southern Exterior of Beaver Meadows
Parks as Portals to Learning Photography Team, 2018. Beaver Meadows Visitor Center Southern Exterior Reshoot. [Digital Photograph].(Public Lands History Center Repeat Photography Collection, Fort Collins, CO).

Research Citations
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Bradbury, Dominic. Mid-Century Modern Complete. New York: Abrams Books, 2014.
Brooks Pfeiffer, Bruce. Frank Lloyd Wright: Master Builder. New York: Universe Publishing and the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, 1997.
Buchholtz, C.W., Rocky Mountain National Park: A History. Boulder, CO: Colorado Associated University Press, 1983.
Buresh, J. “Timeless Mid-Century Modern Design.” Archives of American Art Journal, Vol. 48, No. 1-2, 2009.
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Carr, Ethan. Mission 66: Modernism and the National Park Dilemma. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2007.
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Louter, David. Windshield Wilderness. Cars, Roads, and Nature in Washington's National Parks. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2006.
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National Park Service. “Brief Park History.” US Department of the Interior. https://www.nps.gov/romo/learn/historyculture/historic_buildings.htm, 2015. Accessed 29 November 2017.
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Many Thanks
To the people who researched and helped us complete this research in Rocky Mountain National Park, including: Kelly Cahill, Dr. Ann Little, and Dr. Jared Orsi.
To our team of graduate students for the Scalar project, including: Hannah Ashley, Dustin Clark, Rose Gorrell, Elizabeth Henke, Jordan Kearschner, Bennett Lee, Jillian Lobner, Katie Oldberg, Joe Sarr, Katherine Sinsky, Ray Sumner, and Natalie Walker.
To our Parks as Portals to Learning (PPL) research group who did repeat photography in Rocky Mountain National Park, including: Kylee Cole, Daniel Gilbert, Amy Hootman, Alexandria Kearney, Kurt Knierim, Dillon Maxwell, Andy Olson, Joe Sarr, and Ariel Schnee.